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Yes I'm ready to turn over a new LeAFE!

Welcome to LeAFE Training

LeAFE Training can help you and your school/provision with all aspects of behaviour, trauma informed practice and safeguarding.

With extensive, current and practicable experience, why not let Meic and Neal provide you with a bespoke solution?

A few things schools tell us we are good at...

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We know that consistency is the key. Our training will help you and your team ensure that you are all on the same page.


Our training is only useful if we understand your needs. We ensure that our training is bespoke to your situation.

Good Communicators

Our training is known for being straight forward, clear and relevant.

Making Training Fun

There is nothing worse than death by slide show, so we ensure that our training is lively, based on real experiences and is fun – even when dealing with really difficult issues.

On-going Support

We believe that we are in this together. We check in with you to ensure that everything is going well but can also contact us at any time to get advice and support.

Whats been said?

We are honoured to receive compliments on our training - a couple of them are here.

We are also more than happy to put you in touch with schools/provisions that we have worked with, if you wish to check us out further.

I really enjoyed the half day refresher course. The information and practical elements were well balanced and there was opportunity to work through specific issues related to our school.

The content was not patronising and the presenters were engaging, with real experience of the techniques and strategies they shared.

Anna Assistant Head

The training that my team attended was excellent.

They really enjoyed it and felt that it benefitted them greatly.

Rob Head of School

LeAFE training provided an opportunity to have a clear insight into the legislation and law around safer handling. Specific examples of de-escalation strategies were shared with the focus being that this is the priority and is key to supporting with ‘interesting’ behaviours.

Opportunities to ask questions, share ideas were given throughout. Specific holds were clearly demonstrated with practice time incorporated with guidance support.

This is the only safer handling training I have received where the emphasis is on de-escalation strategies as a priority whilst teaching manageable key holds to use as a last resort.

Kasia Acting Co-Headteacher

Yes I'm ready to turn over a new LeAFE!

"Good students behave... great students disrupt."